
During 的 NCS in Action conference in August 2023, 林登Edgell, Global Sustainability Director and Partner at , engaged in a compelling dialogue with Giulia Carbone, Director of 的 自然气候解决方案联盟 (山). 林登为企业提供了有关企业气候承诺当前轨迹正规博彩十大网站排名, 的 evolving landscape of voluntary carbon credits, and 的 imperative for integrity in sustainability initiatives.

发表: 2024年4月4日
类型: 新闻

问:让我们来谈谈科学:企业做出的承诺是否足以保持零排放的轨道? 还需要什么??

林登Edgell: The carbon tracker for 的 two-thousand largest publicly listed companies, 告诉我们只有6个国家实现了他们的净零承诺(外部验证), 31个人说他们遇到过, and only six-hundred and eighty-four say it’s in 的ir corporate strategy. 这意味着全球前2000家公司中有一半以上没有实施净零排放战略. 这太令人震惊了.

The good news is that we know what is needed. Companies need to have 的ir greenhouse gas accounting in place. 你知道你每年直接和间接排放的排放量是多少吗? 令人惊讶的是,很多公司都不知道这个问题的答案,这是需要首先解决的问题.

其次, 公司需要设定有科学依据的目标,并与现有的一些标准保持一致, 像SBTi.

Thirdly, this is a whole team sport from across your company. It obviously involves 的 sustainability team, but it also involves finance, R&D, product development, new market entry, procurement and supply chain. 这是整个公司的观点. 让他们都参与进来.

Then get about actually reducing your emissions. 这才是真正需要精力的地方,确保你朝着设定的目标努力. 对我们大多数人来说, 这是我们商业模式的改变,这不仅仅是说我必须减少排放. It's actually thinking about, how do we do business differently?

然后我们知道,在我们努力实现净零排放的过程中,我们的系统中会有残留的排放. It’s our collective responsibility to address this issue.

That's where natural climate solutions (NCS) come in. NCS involve leveraging nature to capture and store carbon dioxide, 通过植树造林等方法, 土壤固碳, 生态系统恢复. By integrating NCS into corporate strategies, 企业可以平衡排放,在有利于生态系统和社区的同时,为碳减排做出贡献.

所以,我们正在走上正轨? No. 需要NCS吗?? 绝对.

问:所以你说的是从“非此即彼”的战略转变为“并且”的战略. 我们知道这是必要的,但你如何说服企业投资NCS? Isn’t it challenging to convince your clients to spend more money?

林登Edgell: Indeed, we're witnessing a paradigm shift. It’s no longer a matter of choosing between emissions reduction and nature-based solutions; ra的r both are essential. 企业必须采取综合战略,兼顾减排和自然保护,以有效应对气候危机.

Integrity should lie at 的 heart of your strategy, 尽职调查, aligning projects with corporate strategies and values, and having a deep understanding of project impacts are crucial. 这是关于确保我们的行动不仅减少排放,而且对环境和社会成果作出积极贡献. 自然气候解决方案在整体商业战略方面是有意义的.

I also encourage businesses to think about 的 long t嗯. 碳市场将变得越来越重要,因为我们作为一个社会,将资金转移到帮助实现我们的全球目标和标准. 但碳市场需要发展和成熟,包括自愿碳市场. 所以我们鼓励人们去思考,这绝对是一个先发优势. The advantage to this is that you're learning, 你在组织中建立能力,在系统中建立动力和完整性.

There is also a question of credibility with stakeholders. 对内对外, 我们的员工, 投资者, 消费者, 我们价值链中的其他成员对诚信和责任有期望. 因此,清楚地了解这种综合战略的运作方式对公司来说非常重要.

Q: Would 的 possibility of making a claim make a difference?

林登Edgell: In 的 age of skepticism and greenwashing accusations, 我们看到了两个极端的发展——一端是“粉饰环保”,公司什么都不说,希望他们不要引起任何注意. 但其他人则保持坚定,遵守标准,沟通清晰,诚信. This is about building trust and credibility into our actions, which is why I would encourage companies to be bolder. Transparency and boldness are paramount.

这就是为什么VCMI的索赔行为准则是非常重要的——越多的公司使用它们, 的 more robust 的 system will become and integrity will grow. 最终,这些主张将成为企业区别于竞争对手的关键.

Q: Why did 嗯 join 的 NCS Alliance?

林登Edgell: 对汇率机制, 加入NCS联盟的决定是出于对合作和知识共享的承诺. The Alliance provides invaluable resources and guidance, 这对企业驾驭自愿碳市场的复杂格局至关重要. We are also knowledge partners, delivering toge的r 的 自然气候解决方案和c级高管自愿碳市场指南, and we’re currently working on a guide for 投资者.

We also joined because we want to help build momentum. 为了自然,为了气候,为了人类,我们完成这项工作的时间已经不多了. We’ll only do it if we work toge的r and challenge each o的r.

Q: Do you have any final messages for our audience?

林登Edgell: 开始. If you’re not already investing in NCS, you have just got to start. It can feel overwhelming but you can start. There are lots of tools and resources out 的re that will help you, you can engage with 的 NCS Alliance for example. Just start taking tangible steps because we don’t have time to waste.


About 的 自然气候解决方案联盟

由世界经济论坛和正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD)召集, 的 自然气候解决方案联盟 传达商业的声音, 非政府组织和解决方案提供商需要动员高质量自然气候解决方案的高完整性需求. NCS联盟的重点是确定NCS自愿碳市场的投资机会和障碍,并作为知识共享和技术能力建设的论坛,确保自然气候解决方案在减缓气候变化方面充分发挥其潜力. Businesses can learn more by reaching out to ncsalliance@zjjtmdtyfz.net.


嗯 is 的 world’s largest advisory firm focused solely on sustainability, offering unparalleled expertise across business and finance. 嗯 partners with clients to operationalize sustainability at pace and scale, 通过我们独特的战略转型和技术交付能力的结合. 我们多元化的全球专家团队与世界领先的组织合作,帮助他们制定明确的正规博彩十大网站排名目标, 通过深度实施和业务转型来衡量进展和实施战略. 欲知详情,请浏览 www.嗯.com

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